
Thursday, September 22, 2016

~Karma comes calling. Don't let it fall on your doorstep~

I decided to do this post in response to the news of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are divorcing after two years of being married.  Everyone is so surprised but I really am not because of the way she got Brad Pitt.

Ladies, we have to be careful how we get a man and if possible make sure that he isn't married to someone else while dating. 

 Men lie all the time and sometimes we don't know but if you are knowingly sleeping with a man who is married, you are asking for disaster, and if you are the wife and your husband is stepping out on you; you will have to make a decision whether your marriage is worth saving.  The more you argue and fight the other women, the man will not stop cheating on you.

He likes the drama and all the attention that he is getting.  You must have an honest conversation with him and give him a warning about the outcome if he doesn't stop and be ready to stick with your decision even if it hurts to do so.

Handle this situation like a Queen, the way that Jennifer Aniston handled it.  It does not mean that you will not cry or feel like your world is falling apart but just know in your heart that karma will make an appearance and will fight your battle and the person who had an affair with your husband will remember the pain that she caused you. 

 I am also very proud of Robin Thicke's ex-wife Paula Patton and how she handled her situation. She never bashed Robin Thicke in the media but instead, she royally walked with her head held high and went on with her life.

Always remember that God said that he would fight all of our battles.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Should I Have A Baby At Age 34?

Should I Have A Baby At Age 34?

Anonymous Question;  I had a baby at fourteen years old.  I am now thirty-four years old and my boyfriend wants a baby.  I would like to have another one but I am scared about starting over again at my age.

SashaMoniqueTalks:  Hello there!  I have a very quick answer for you.  These days having a baby isn't a big deal at thirty-four.  You are still young.  If you have the time needed and your finances are together, I don't see no reason why you can't have another child.  You are in fact blessed because your child would have a much older sibling to help out.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

How To Deal With A Man Who Will Not Commit.

How To Deal With A Man Who Will Not Commit

Dating is hard, very hard and most women date with the expectation that one day they will find a good man and get married.  Sometimes we come across men who will date you and may even like to be in a relationship but he isn't interested in marriage.  

The man may have all the qualities that you would like your mate to have.  You ask him whether he would like to get married one day and sometimes he will tell you that he would like too many years from now and other times, he will flat out tell you that he cannot see himself ever getting married.  What should you do?

Some of us have been in this situation and I can tell you that a man will give clues about whether he would like to be in a committed relationship or not.  He could be a person who has been single for many years and has never married or a single father who never talks about marriage or talks about it in a negative way. 

 The first thing you should do if you are a person who wants to marry one day is to ask the man and if he says that he doesn't ever want to get married, then you have to respect his wishes but you also must let him know that you would like to be married one day and tell him that you will not be able to pursue this relationship further because you cannot waste your time.

Do not try to get him to change his mind because men usually tell us the truth or show us the truth and we won't accept it because we feel that we can change his mind.  You can never change a man and what you can do is work on yourself and only date men who are equally excited about getting married one day.

If you have been with a man for a few years and he says that he will marry you someday but it is taking years, then you must break off that relationship because you are wasting your time and you could meet a man and he may marry you within a year or two. 

 Stop letting these men set dates and timelines in your life and wasting your time.  You are attractive and you have a lot to offer.  If you are firm in your decision, the right man will come along and be happy to marry you.  

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