Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Carefully plan your family ladies!

Carefully plan your family ladies!
Pregnancy, Abdomen, Anticipation, Woman
Image courtesy of Pixabay

Hello Ladies, I just want to talk to you for a few minutes.  I have watched many videos on YouTube and I am seeing young women with very large families.  Five children or more; some of you married, some not.

I think having babies and a beautiful family is essential, but I am seeing too many young moms with many children.  Ladies, you will have to think about how this will impact your livelihood.

How are you going to truly be successful while trying to raise all these children?

When your kids get older, it takes an astounding amount of money to clothe and feed these kids.  If you want your kids to go to college, it would be very difficult to send them because of the financial strain.

Black Nosed Sheep, Sheep
Image courtesy of Pixabay

I am not trying to be mean, but I want to see women be able to have a fulfilling and prosperous life. If you have a large family, I take my hat off to you because it takes a lot to properly maintain a big family.

Flower Hand Child Mother Nature White Fema

If you have a husband, what if he leaves you or passes away, what will you do?
You have to carefully take this into consideration.

Many of you who have these big families are not able to work due to your family size, and it puts an added strain on Men to have to work extra jobs to provide for their family, that means that Dad is never home, and when he is, he doesn't have time to deal with the kids.

Woman Children Africans Botswana Southern
Image courtesy Pixabay

What if you and your spouse pass away, who do you think is going to raise all these kids?
I am not scolding you but please think about your future and educate yourself.  You are better than just bearing a lot of kids.

You are great, be great Ladies!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Grandpa Wasn't Here But Now He's Here.

People, Old, Man, Black, Senior, Person
Image Courtesy Pixabay

He was tall, dark, and handsome.  He had the gift of gab that could curl any girls toes. His wife was kind and gentle.

 He was a father of many but barely around.  His little boys cried every night because he was in and out and more out than in and they felt rejection at every turn.

  A real father he wasn't. One of his kids was very hardworking and his father was too proud to show his child love.  A pat on the back or a gentle hug was badly needed

Years passed and grandchildren were born.  Mr. PaPa was proud and larger than life.  His grandchildren were his world as his son grimaced when PaPa showed the grandchildren love that he didn't have.

   I guess PaPa thought it was a way of making up to his children if he showed the grandchildren love but that child that just wanted his father to pick him up or tell him that he loved him still needed the love and care that was missing.

This is a lesson to anyone.  Love your children because you can never get the precious day's that were stolen from them

.  You cannot love your kids through the grandchildren because this is unfair and a hug and an apology is all that is needed. It is never too late to do better.  Show love and it will be returned a thousand times.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How Did I Lose Myself?

                                                   How Did I Lose Myself!

Anonymous Question:  I have been married for two years and I love my husband very much.  I stay at home because my husband does not want me to work at this time.  We do not have any children.  I explained to my husband that I want to start a small business and he got all upset about it. 

We only go places he wants to go and do things he wants to do; it is never about me.  I am bored and depressed. How did I lose myself SashaMonique?

SashaMoniqueTalks:  You said that you love your husband and you didn't say that he is mistreating you.  Sit your husband down and talk to him about this in a calm matter.  

Tell him that you want to make your own money and save it for a goal that you want to accomplish.  Let him know that you want to enjoy some outings with your friends or family and if you are uneducated, start taking courses even if it is online.  

You have a right to work or start a business if you want to. You don't have any children so it isn't any reason you cannot have a job if that is what you want.  A marriage is a partnership and it isn't all about one person. 

Friday, March 3, 2017

I Want To Relocate (Now!)

                                                      I Want To Relocate Now!

Anonymous Question:  I am thirty-five years old and I want to relocate because where I currently reside, there are not many opportunities. The problem is, that my parents are elderly in their mid-seventies.

  They are set in their ways and will not travel.  I want to move for a better life.  I would be moving about twelve hours away.

SashaMoniqueTalks:  I would move if there are any siblings that would check in on your parents every day but if you are the only one that your parents can depend on I would say no because your parents need you. 

 Have an open and honest conversation with your parents to see if they will change their minds and relocate with you and another option would be for you to move but not so far away.   If you are two to three hours away, it would be easier to reach your parents if a crisis occurs.

Friday, February 10, 2017

How To Deal With A Liar

Image Courtesy Of Pixabay

                                   How To Deal With A Liar

All of us have come across people who stretch the truth and we brush it off but this person can be really dangerous.  You will not be able to believe anything that they say.  Some will tell you a story with a straight face and they always had a sob story to gain your confidence.

  They have no trouble asking you for money and they are always looking for someone to finance their latest pursuits.

How To Deal With A Liar:
When you find out that this person is a habitual liar, cut all contact with them if you can.  If they ask you for money, firmly tell them NO!
Closely, evaluate what they are telling is fact or fiction. 

 Treat this person like a Leper even if it hurts their feelings.  Do not invite this liar to family events because they are known to cause arguments with other family members.

A Liar is a thief:
I was always told that if a person lies he will also steal.  This means, if this person is in your home you will have to guard your valuables.  Never leave them alone in your home.

Bottom Line:
Liars are meant to be discarded like trash and you may care for them if they are family but you cannot continue to waste your time because these people are detrimental to your health and they are psychopaths.  

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Single Women's Prayer

First of all, being single is a time to enjoy yourself and find out who you really are but there is a time when a woman will get that feeling that it is time for her to get ready for marriage. 

 Marriage is wonderful if it is, shared with the right person and it was ordained by our creator. So below is a prayer that some of us single women have.

                                  The Single Women's Prayer

Dear Lord, please let me enjoy my single days and take advantage of the peace and the blessings that you gave for me to partake of quiet nights without someone snoring and hogging all the covers on the bed. 

 Thank you for the days of just jumping up and deciding at the last minute that I want to go out with family and friends and I don't have to let anyone know when I am coming back.  The Dog is by the door when I come in and happy to see me and I don't have to listen to any complaints or questions, Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you for giving me women's intuition when that fine chocolate man wanted to get my number and you softly whispered into my ear and told me, "No my daughter, he will break your heart and, he is married."  I appreciate the people that you put into my life when I needed to vent and cry about my singleness.

Lord, you protected me while I was alone and scared and you put a hedge of protection around me and my dwelling. but, Lord, now I am ready, my heart is open and willing to trust you to find the man who is willing to come together and share in the blessings that only you can give and make him a man who is after your heart dear Lord, and please make me into the beautiful wife who is patient and understanding because no man is perfect.

I promise to work on any issues that I may have and when you find him, please, whisper into my ear and let me know that he is the one chosen by you.  We will work together and grow old and I will remind my children about this prayer and teach, my daughters what prayer can do.  Thank you, Lord.

Are big content creators going broke?

Are big content creators going broke? I have been a content creator since 2012.  I have seen a lot of people come and go.  Doing YouTube or ...