
Saturday, September 16, 2017

My Daughter Is Out Of Control.

Women, Daughter, People
Image Courtesy Of Pixabay
My daughter is out of control!

Anonymous Question: Hello, Sasha, my daughter is fifteen and she is starting to get into trouble and act very wild. I am at my wit's end with this child. She is too big to spank and she knows it and she is sneaking out the house when I go to bed.

 She is not doing anything in school and she was kicked out of regular high school so I got her into an alternative school so she can still get her high school Diploma. She was caught stealing two years ago and she has bought a lot of shame to me. I don't know what to do, Sasha.

Sashamoniquetalks: You said that your daughter is starting to get into trouble, yet you said that she was caught stealing two years ago. It sounds like the problem started two years ago and talk to your daughter very casually to see what occurred.

 You didn't say whether or not her dad is around but it sounds like he isn't because he would be backing you up in this situation. Speak to the Guidance Counselor at her school to see if anything serious is going on at school and also take your daughter for counseling.

 When she sneaks out of the house, call the police so that it can be a record of your daughter doing this so you can protect yourself. Talk to your child's friends parents to see what is really going on. Please let me know what happens regarding this.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Are You Living In Confusion?? (Lessons Learned)

Have you been in that place in your life where you have just sat down and reminisced about your past and the events that took place that may have contributed to you having your moment of enlightenment that made you get up and make changes that have made you into the person that you are today?

 I had that moment today and step by step I felt joy and the power that we as women hold if we just listen to our intuition and our heart.

Life is full of lessons that must be learned and I often think about what could have happened in my life if I didn't take the necessary steps and the faith to push me to make changes.

 With every change in my life, there were rivers of tears, but as the tears fell I still made the change that led to freedom.  Freedom to change my course of destiny.  Freedom to not be held back and held up with someone else insecurity and freedom to love me.

To anyone going through difficult changes right now, the change is in your heart, it is in your mouth to speak greatness, it is in your steps to move you.  Don't be afraid because God will hold your hand while you are making your move, he is telling you and showing you that he got you and just want your trust and faith.

 Below is a video of a song that I love and have been very helpful to me throughout my life and I hope that it will be helpful to you.  The message is clear and the song is beautiful.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Where Do I Fit In The Dating World As An Older Woman?

Model, Women'S, Young, Young Model

Image Courtesy Pixabay

Anonymous Question: SashaMonique I am 45 years old and although I take good care of myself, I watch my weight and I dress very fashionable.  I have been told that I look very young for my age and I am not tooting my own horn, but I am very attractive.

 I want to know, where do I fit, in the dating world as an older woman?  I have been single for about 2 years and would like to be in a long-term relationship.  Have gone on a few dates and I am not attracting the type of man I would like in my life.  I have 2 kids and they both are grown and I just want to be in love once again.  

SashaMoniqueTalks:  I am glad that you contacted me because I truly understand your situation because I am an older woman and I have to say that dating is very difficult at this age because a lot of men want to date a young woman.  

There are some men who would love a more mature woman and you would have to go to some events where good, quality men are.  Finding love is never impossible and you didn't say what your hobbies are but find an event where it has men who have the same interest that you have, this could be outings to the movie theater and there are some websites geared to group outings that would make meeting men safer.

  Some years ago I went to an event on a ship and I found it very easy to strike up a conversation and meet single men and there wasn't a lot of pressure on either party. If you are meeting men that you are not attracted to, do not give them your number.

 See if any of your family members have friends that you can be introduced to.  Find out about outings your local church may be going on and go and enjoy yourself.  It is not too late, all you have to do is weed out the undesirables.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

He is starting a business with my female friend.

Anonymous Question:  Sasha, I am married to a man who I have known since Grammar school and we have always been close.  He told me the other day since my female friend has a lot of experience in business, he wants to open a business with her. I told him that I want to be a part of the business also and he told me that I don't know anything.

 My husband doesn't usually talk to me like this and I feel like something is going on between the two.  I talk to my friend and she said that she didn't ask to be a part of the business but he figured, she knew all the ins and outs of running a business. I would rather for him to conduct business with a man who is knowledgeable in business instead.  Do you think I am acting silly Sasha?

SashaMoniqueTalks:  There is a possibility that he is really trying to find the right person for the job but he should consider your feelings.  Talk to him again regarding this matter and tell him that you don't feel comfortable with the arrangement. 

 Talk to your friend and tell her that you don't want her to be a part of the arrangement and see what she say's.  Your husband should find a happy medium with someone else who have the same amount of experience because it is not a good idea to start a business with friends because you may have some problems later. 

if I were your friend I would not enter into this arrangement. And no, I don't think you are acting silly.  Please keep in contact with me and let me know what is going on and I will try to assist you further.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Check Out A Man Before You Date Him.

Scare, Face, Terror, Fear, Man, Chilling
Image Courtesy Pixabay

Ladies, last night I was looking at a website regarding sex offenders, and would you believe, I saw many people that I have seen while shopping and people I  have gone to school with.  There were even men in their 80's on this website.  The website is:
and you can search using your zip code.  

We have to be very careful when dating and when even having family members around your children.  Most of the men on this site were boyfriends who offended their girlfriend's kids and also men who were left babysitting kids.  You cannot be too careful and I urge you ladies to take your time and check and see if the man you are thinking of dating, is on this website.

Some of us are letting men live with us and having them around our children too fast.  If you care anything about your children, you will stop this practice. Make sure this man is safe to be around children and also whether he has violent tendencies because many women have lost their kids to murder also.

Never sacrifice your children to be with a predator!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Traits Of A Stalker.

Abstract, Aperture, Body, Business
Image Courtesy Of Pixabay

Stalkers are among us, you guys, they don't always look like the creepy man or woman who is very unattractive and strange acting, in fact, some of them look like the boy or girl next door and they can be very normal and quite attractive.  However, most of them exhibit the same traits and it is very important to learn what these traits are.

 They are very clingy and they want to track your every move.  They spy on you when you least expect it, and they will make your life a living hell.  Below are some videos regarding this subject so you can familiarize yourself with all the things to look for in an unstable lover.

Do not take stalking lightly.  If you are being stalked, please contact the local police authorities as soon as possible and file a police report.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Is Social Media The Devil?

Demon, Devil, Hell, Inferno, Lucifer
Image courtesy Pixabay

When we think of the Devil we think of the sneaky ugly figure like the one who is in the above picture but we never take into consideration that he is sneaking into some of our social media activities.  Heavily involvement in social media can cause you to feel a certain way about somebody and it can bring out the worst in all participants.  

Sometimes it is good to pull away from your social media accounts and have real conversations with the people in your life.  Social Media can be used for good but I see the Devil rearing his ugly head on almost a daily basis.  There are people lying, causing trouble, or showing off and you know the real story about their life but they want their situation to appear more fabulous than it is.

There is so much cheating and gossiping going on and if you are not involved in these types of things, sooner or later you will be.  I love social media but I will be pulling back some because it is really addictive.

Turning off social media will give you peace of mind and it will cause you to be more productive.  If you had to un-hook from social media please leave your comments down below.

Are big content creators going broke?

Are big content creators going broke? I have been a content creator since 2012.  I have seen a lot of people come and go.  Doing YouTube or ...