
Sunday, August 28, 2016

My Boyfriend is sixteen years older than me.

Anonymous Question:  Hello SashaMonique,  I just turned 27 years old and I have been married but it didn't work out.  I started dating a man who is 16 years older than me and I am not really attracted to this man but he treats me well. 

I have been through a lot in my life so I decided that I will make myself happy with the person who is interested in making me happy. 

 I forgot to add that I have a five-year-old daughter by my ex.  My parents do not know yet about this man but I will tell them soon.  I live on my own so I feel that this is okay.  What are your thoughts regarding this situation?

SashaMoniqueTalks:  This is a good question.  Did you try dating men in your own age bracket before dating this man?  You stated that you have been married and it didn't work out and I think this is the reason you have decided on dating this older man. 

 Honestly, I feel that if you are happy, keep dating him and see where the relationship goes. The problem with dating someone older, you will not have a lot in common with a forty-three-year-old and the relationship will get stale very fast. 

 You said that you are not attracted to this man and you didn't say why but this could be a problem. There are older men who are dogs too so you still have to be careful.  Tell your parents, they will probably be upset but it is your life and you are grown.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Some bad boy's do get married.

I just ran across this video of Ray J  and Princess Love's wedding dance.  For many years it seemed like he couldn't be faithful and I wonder if Whitney Houston had lived, would they be married.  A man will never be perfect just like we aren't. We have to see what is in a man's heart and soul and if he is coming from a good place then you may have found your soul mate

Friday, August 12, 2016

Where do I get my questions from?

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen:  I was asked by someone where I get my questions from on this blog.  The questions come from people who send questions to my email address and also people in my private life.

 If you would like for me to answer a question for you, I can answer it privately without posting it to my blog or if you are okay with me posting it, I will not reveal anything that will identify you.  I will not post any questions that are highly sensitive and I cannot give you any advice regarding your health.  Please don't ask me questions that are insulting to someone else.

Advice To Baby Mama's And The Other Woman.

Woman, Portrait, Face, Studio, Beauty
Image Courtesy Pixabay.

I decided to address this subject because of things I have seen women do in the past when involved with a married man.  If you find yourself doing these things please stop it and go on with your life.

What You Should Stop Doing:
  1. Stop calling the wife's house asking for her husband.
  2. Stop stalking your boyfriend's wife because it will not help your situation at all.  It shows just how weak you are.  You are secretly jealous of her because you want her position.
  3. You get pregnant thinking that you can keep him.  He doesn't care how many babies you have.  If he wants to stay with his wife, this will not help you at all.
  4. You are friends with the wife and you hang around her house every day so that you can be around her husband.  This is the sickest thing that I have seen women do.  It shows how cruel and sick you are.  She is his wife and you will never be her.  This makes you look really crazy.
  5. You call and harass her on her job so she can get fired.  If you get her fired from her job, the more the husband will have to spend his money taking care of her and the family.  That means that you get nothing.
  6. You send a friend request to her friends and family on Facebook.  You are so obsessed with this woman and you just want to know what she is doing at every second of the day and you want to get information from her friends.
  7. You wait on her street to see her coming and going.  You keep stalking her because you know that she is a better woman than you and she is also much prettier.
  8. You make love to her husband in her bed.  Lady, this shows how wicked you are and these are things that a woman without any class will do.
  9. You try to find a way to be around your boyfriend's children.  This won't do you any good and it will make his children hate you in the long run.  
  10. You make your boyfriend leave his wife and children and move in with you.  No matter how much you make love to this man, if he wants to be with his wife, he will be with her.  It shows what kind of person he is and it definitely tells a story of the home wrecker that you are.

Ladies, these men are out for what they can get, and if you make yourself available to be the side piece the man will never respect you and you will have to pay for all the things that you did to break up a home.  Should you get this man to leave his wife and marry you, he will never respect you and he will surely do the same thing to you or worst.

Find your own man because being a sidepiece is really nothing!

Marrying Or Dating A Stalker And An Obsessive Compulsive Man

Ladies; Please watch this video and heed the signs and the information given.  You do not have to be a victim and a punching bag.  Love doesn't hurt!  

Protect yourself and your children and do not let a man use and abuse you.  Your children are better off without living their lives in fear.    If you are in an abusive relationship or marriage it will not get any better. You can call the Domestic Violence Hotline and be on your way to a better life.  

Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

To get help online go to:

Monday, August 8, 2016

I Am In Debt Because Of My Credit Card.

Anonymous Question:  Girl, please help me!  I have been using my husband's credit card and he doesn't know that I am charging everything with that card.  I get the bill before he see's it.
Most of the things I am buying, I don't need.  I am so scared that he will find out.

SashaMoniqueTalks:  Tell your husband what you are doing and cut up that card.  It sounds like you have an addiction to shopping.  If it is possible, return some items.  

If you cannot return these items, then try to sell them on eBay and find a therapist to help you find out why you are doing this.  Buy some books by Authors who specializes in money management.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Is My Boyfriend Married?

I think this was some very good advice.  Check out a person when you start a new relationship because you can save yourself a lot of heartaches.

Are big content creators going broke?

Are big content creators going broke? I have been a content creator since 2012.  I have seen a lot of people come and go.  Doing YouTube or ...